董圣焜,副教授、博士生导师,yl23455永利官网百人计划学者,毕业于美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校,获环境工程博士学位,曾任美国伊利诺伊大学厄巴纳香槟分校土木与环境工程系全球水安全中心(Safe Global Water Institute)博士后副研究员(Research Associate)。Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering (FESE,中科院二区,IF=6.7) 青年编委,American Chemical Society、American Water Works Association会员、广州市水务系统应急抢险专家。主要研究方向为水体毒性引导的水污染检测及控制,亦对水体病原微生物灭活有一定研究。在饮用水、生活污水、海水、农业灌溉用水、养殖业污水等多种复杂水体的毒性检测与控制方面取得了多项创新成果,研究成果被美国农业部、美国食品农业所、美国陆军等多家机构采用。以一作/通讯在Environmental Science & Technology发表系列论文8篇、中科院一区论文13篇。曾分获yl23455永利官网第十一届、第十届教师教学竞赛全英组一等、二等奖,yl23455永利官网第三、四届青年教师教学竞赛二等奖,Outstanding reviewer for Water Research, Chemical Engineering Journal,Travel fellowship to the 2017 Gordon Research Conferences on Disinfection By-products,Hong Kong Baptist University Scholastic Awards。长期担任以下期刊审稿人:Environmental Science & Technology,Water Research,Journal of Hazardous Materials,Chemosphere, Journal of Environmental Sciences,Journal of Environmental Engineering,Science of the Total Environment,Chemical Engineering Journal等。
Please feel free to reach out to me with a research idea if you have a background in environmental engineering, environmental sciences, or similar disciplines. Please include a brief tentative research proposal (1 page). Only sincere intention is welcome.
- 研究生:
- 水环境评价与保护
- 本科生:
- 水环境工程
- 水处理工程
- 水务工程
- 水环境保护
- 水环境化学(全英)
- 水生态保护与修复
- 国家自然科学基金面上项目,2024 - 2027
- 珠海市基础与应用基础课题研究项目,2023 - 2025
- 国家自然科学基金青年项目,2021 - 2023
- 广州市基础与应用基础研究项目,2021 - 2023
- 国家重点研发计划项目子课题,2020 - 2023
- 中央高校基本科研业务费重点培育项目,2019 - 2020
- Zhan, Y., Zeng, X., Chu, W., Wei, X., Chen, X., Liu, B., Hur, K., Dong, S. (2024) Non-additive cytotoxicity in select disinfection byproducts and disinfected secondary effluent. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=10.8, 中科院一区). 58(38), 16795−16802
- 楚文海,杨文源,肖融,方超,董圣焜,张迪(2024)消毒副产物五十年:探索认知与未来展望,给水排水,2024年第12期第一页
- Zhang, Y., Dong, S., Zhang, D., Plewa, M., Chu, W. (2024) Bioavailability factor for improved drinking water contaminant exposure risk assessment accuracy. Fundamental Research (IF=5.7, 中科院三区). Accepted
- Zhan, Y., Gan, W., Chen, X., Liu, B., Chu, W., Hur, K., Dong, S. (2024) Biomimetic cytotoxicity control of select nitrogenous disinfection byproducts in water. Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=14.224, 中科院一区). 476. 134983
- Zhuang, D., Fan, Q., Zheng, Y., Dong, S., Liang, F., Meng, D., He, G., Sun, Z. (2024) Study on the interaction properties between curdlan polysaccharide and water molecules in coal processing sludge by molecular dynamics simulation. Journal of Nanoparticle Research (IF=2.1, 中科院四区). 26, 163
- Dong, S., Aslic, S., Hur, K., Massalha, N. (2024) Ozonation for improved sludge reduction, cytotoxicity and estrogenicity control in anaerobic digestion. Bioresource Technology Reports. 27. 101879
- Li, J., Qin, W., Zhu, B., Ruan, T., Hua, Z., Du, H., Dong, S., Fang, J. (2024) Insights into the transformation of natural organic matter during UV/peroxydisulfate treatment by FT-ICR MS and machine learning: non-negligible formation of organosulfates. Water Research (IF=13.4, 中科院一区). 256. 121564
- Peng, S., Dong, S., Gong, C., Chen, X., Du, H., Zhan, Y., Ye, C. (2024) Identification of breast-cancer-associated properties of drinking water under a composite-toxicity perspective of mixed contaminants: a case study in a high-prevalence area of China. Water (IF=3.4, 中科院三区). 16(5), 702
- 程子睿,赵计辉,董圣焜,王奕仁,何国锋 (2024)煤化工污泥的微生物种群结构与水分分布特征,yl23455永利官网学报(自然科学版)(中英文)(北大核心),2024年第63卷第3期第96页
- Du, H., Cheng, T., Chu, W., Wei, X., Chen, X., Liu, B., Hur, K., Dong, S.* (2023) Simultaneous modulation of CHO cell cytotoxicity, turbidity, and DOC by coagulation with or without pre-oxidation in water from the Pearl River Delta region, China. Science of The Total Environment (IF=9.8, 中科院一区). 166840
- 战玥豪, 赵计辉, 刘 杰, 何国锋, 周永涛, 郑媛媛, 董圣焜* (2023) 含煤污泥深度脱水技术研究进展, 应用化工(北大核心), 2024年第3期
- Peng, S., Dong, S., Gong, C., Chen, X., Du, H., Zhan, Y., Yang, Z. (2023) Evidence-based identification of breast cancer and associated ovarian and uterus cancer risk components in source waters from high incidence area in the Pearl River Basin, China. Science of The Total Environment (IF=9.8, 中科院一区). 166060.
- Jia, M., Chen, X., Liu, B., Hur, K., Dong, S.* (2023) Persistence kinetics of a novel disinfectant peracetic acid for swimming pool disinfection. Journal of Hazardous Materials (IF=14.224, 中科院一区). 457. 131792
- Zhan, Y., Zeng, C., Chen, X., Liu, B., Li, Y., Hur, K., Dong, S.* (2023) Hydrophile-lipophile balance solid phase extraction of surface water organics: Fluorescent elution preference and overlooked fractions. Chemosphere (IF=8.943, 中科院二区, TOP期刊), 138770
- Xiao, J., Sha, Y., Huang, Y., Long, K., Wu, H., Mo, Y., Yang, Q., Dong, S., Zeng, Q., Wei, X. (2023) Drinking water disinfection byproduct iodoacetic acid affects thyroid hormone synthesis in Nthy-ori-3-1 cells. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety (IF=7.129, 中科院二区, TOP期刊). 257. 114926
- Zhan, Y., Xu, L., Deng, Z., Zhu, H., Ni, L., Chen, X., Liu, B., Hur, K., Dong, S.* (2023) Disability adjusted life years-oriented assessment of Cryptosporidium parvum inactivation with a Point-of-Use ozonation system. Environmental Technology & Innovation (IF=7.758, 中科院二区, JCR Q1). 30. 103079
- Zhang, D., Chen, L., Dong, S., Luo, J., Xu, Z., Chu, W.* (2022) Dramatically increased disinfection byproducts in swimming pool water caused by commonly used urea degradants. Water Research (IF=13.4, 中科院一区). 223. 118987
- Yin, C., Liu, B., Hur, K., Dong, S.* (2022) Assessing microbial and chemical exposure risks of Giardia in indoor swimming pool water disinfected by chlorine. Journal of Environmental Sciences (IF=5.565, 中科院二区). 117. 276-284
- Zhang, D., Dong, S., Chen, L., Xiao, R., Chu, W.* (2022) Disinfection byproducts in indoor swimming pool water: Detection and human lifetime health risk assessment. Journal of Environmental Sciences (IF=5.565, 中科院二区). 126. 378-386
- Dong, S., Page, M., Hur, A., Hur, K., Bokenkamp, K., Wagner, E., Plewa, M.*, Massalha, N.* (2021) Comparison of estrogenic, spectroscopic, and toxicological analyses of pilot-scale water, wastewaters, and processed wastewaters at select military installations. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=9.028, 中科院一区). 55(19). 13103-13112
- Zhang, D., Dong, S., Zhang, A., Chen, L., Yu, Z., Wang, Q., Chu, W.* (2021). Catalytic hydrolysis: A novel role of zero-valent iron in haloacetonitrile degradation and transformation in unbuffered systems. Science of The Total Environment (IF=7.963, 中科院一区). 801. 149537.
- Liu, X., Hong, Y., Ding, S., Jin, W., Dong, S., Xiao, R., Chu, W.* (2021). Transformation of antiviral ribavirin during ozone/PMS intensified disinfection amid COVID-19 pandemic. Science of The Total Environment (IF=7.963, 中科院一区). 790. 148030.
- Chen, T., Dong, S., Guo, X., Chu, W.*, Xu, T.*, Yin, D. (2021). Dissolved organic carbon removal and CX3R-type byproduct formation during the peroxymonosulfate pre-oxidation followed by coagulation. Chemical Engineering Journal (IF=13.273, 中科院一区). 421. 129654.
- Chen, L., Deng, Y., Dong, S., Wang, H., Li, P., Zhang, H., Chu, W.* (2021). The occurrence and control of waterborne viruses in drinking water treatment: A review. Chemosphere (IF=7.086, 中科院二区, TOP期刊). 281. 130728.
- Zhang, D., Bond, T., Li, M., Dong, S., Pan, Y., Du, E., Xiao, R., Chu, W.* (2021). Ozonation Treatment Increases Chlorophenylacetonitrile Formation in Downstream Chlorination or Chloramination. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=9.028, 中科院一区). 55(6), 3747-3755.
- Page, M.*, Dong, S., Massalha, N., MacAllister B., Hur, A., Bandstra P., Wagner E., Plewa, M. (2020). Composite toxicity assays for enhanced assessment of decentralized potable reuse systems. Environmental Science-Water Research & Technology (IF=3.449, 中科院二区,JCR Q1). 6, 3306-3315
- Dong, S.*, Yin, C., Chen, X. (2020). Toxicity-oriented water quality engineering. Frontiers of Environmental Science and Engineering (IF=3.883, 中科院二区). 14(5). 80. (*通讯作者)
- Huang, C., Shen, Y., Smith, R.L., Dong, S.*, Nguyen, T.H.* (2020). Effect of disinfectant residuals on infection risks from Legionella pneumophila released by biofilms grown under simulated premise plumbing conditions. Environment International (IF=7.943, 中科院一区). 137, 105561. (*通讯作者) [This work was linked to United Nation's Sustainable Development Goal 6]
- Massalha, N.+, Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H., Dong, S.+ * (2020). Influence of anaerobic mesophilic and thermophilic digestion on cytotoxicity of swine wastewaters. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=7.149, 中科院一区). 54(5), 3032-3038. (+共同一作,*通讯作者)
- Dong, S., Page, M.A., Massalha, N., Hur, A., Hur, K., Bokenkamp, K.V, Wagner, E.D., Plewa, M.J.(2019). Toxicological Comparison of Water, Wastewaters, and Processed Wastewaters. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=7.149, 中科院一区). 15, 9139-9147.
- Dong, S.+*, Masalha, N.+, Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H. (2018). The impact of disinfection Ct values on cytotoxicity of agricultural wastewaters: Ozonation vs. chlorination. Water Research (IF=7.913, 中科院一区). 144, 482-490. (+共同一作,*通讯作者)
- Dong, S., Plewa, M.J. (2018). Predicting mammalian cell cytotoxicity. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=7.149, 中科院一区).
- Xu, J., Huang, C., Shi, X., Dong, S., Nguyen, T.H., Yuan, B. (2018). Role of drinking water biofilms on residual chlorine decay and trihalomethane formation: an experimental and modeling study. Science of the Total Environment (IF=5.589, 中科院二区,JCR Q1,TOP期刊). 642, 516–525.
- Dong, S., Li, J., Kim, M.H., Cho, J., Park, S.J., Nguyen, T.H., Eden, J.G. (2018). Deactivation of Legionella pneumophila in municipal wastewater by ozone generated in arrays of microchannel plasmas. Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics (IF=2.829, 中科院三区,JCR Q2). 51 (2018) 255501 (9pp).
- Masalha, N.+, Dong, S.+, Borisover, M., Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H. (2018). Spectroscopic indicators for cytotoxicity of chlorinated and ozonated effluents from wastewater stabilization ponds and activated sludge. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=7.149, 中科院一区). 52(5), 3167-3174. (+共同一作)
- Dong, S.*, Masalha, N., Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H. (2017). Toxicity of wastewater with elevated bromide and iodide for reuse after chlorination, chloramination, or ozonation disinfection. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=7.149, 中科院一区). 51(16), 9297-9304. (*通讯作者)
- Dong, S.*, Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H. (2017). Comparative mammalian cell cytotoxicity of wastewaters with elevated bromide and iodide after chlorination, chloramination, or ozonation disinfection. Journal of Environmental Sciences (IF=3.556, 中科院二区,JCR Q2). 58, 296-301. (*通讯作者)
- Dong, S., Lu, J., Plewa, M.J., Nguyen, T.H. (2016). Comparative mammalian cell cytotoxicity of wastewaters for agricultural reuse after ozonation. Environmental Science & Technology (IF=7.149, 中科院一区). 50(21), 11752-11759.
- Dong, S., Li, J., Kim, M.H., Park, S.J., Eden, J.G., Guest, J.S., Nguyen, T. H. (2016). Human health trade-offs in the disinfection of wastewater for landscape irrigation: Microplasma ozonation vs. chlorination. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (IF=4.195, 中科院二区,JCR Q1). 3(1), 106-118. [This work was reported by Chemistry World, a Royal Society of Chemistry magazine; this work was also featured in the “ES: WR&T 2017 Most Downloaded Articles”]
- Liu, Y.+, Dong, S.+, Kuhlenschmidt, M. S., Kuhlenschmidt, T. B., Drnevich, J., & Nguyen, T. H. (2015). Inactivation mechanisms of Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts by solar ultraviolet irradiation. Environmental Science: Water Research & Technology (IF=4.195, 中科院二区,JCR Q1), 1(2), 188-198. (+共同一作)
- Dong, S., Hong, P. Y., & Nguyen, T. H. (2014). Persistence of Bacteroides ovatus under simulated sunlight irradiation. BMC microbiology (IF=3.287, 中科院二区,JCR Q1), 14(1), 178.
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