

yl23455永利官网“百人计划”副教授,博士生导师,中国岩石力学与工程学会兼职副秘书长,德国弗莱贝格工业大学博士/博士后,新加坡南洋理工大学Research Fellow主要从事岩石力学实验和数值模拟研究,研究成果以第一作者或通讯作者在国际权威杂志已发表学术论文五十余篇,精通FLAC3D数值模拟软件,为40多个国际SCI刊物的特约审稿人,参与多个德国,欧盟项目。






2013-2017 德国弗莱贝格工业大学 岩土工程 博士

2010-2013 中南大学 采矿工程 硕博连读

2006-2010 中国矿业大学 采矿工程 本科



2019.03-至今 yl23455永利官网 副教授

2018.05-2019.02 新加坡南洋理工大学土木与环境工程学院 Research Fellow

2017.02-2018.02 德国弗莱贝格工业大学岩土工程研究所 博士后



  1. Zhenyang Song, T Zhang, W.G. Dang, P Hamdi, F Song, ZH Yu, Z Yang. Transversely Isotropic Slates Subject to the Compressive Differential Cyclic Loading, Part I: Experimental Investigations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2024: 1-27.
  2. Weihong Huang, Yu Liu, Xiang Pan, Su Huang, Xiong Cao, Dongyang Li, W.G. Dang, Jiankun Liu. Cyclic shear behavior of dredged soil under constant normal stress conditions. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2024, 83(8): 251.
  3. Z Song, T Zhang, W.G. Dang, CP Wang, Z Yang, ZH Yu. Deformation and hysteresis behaviors of sandstone exposed to distinct sequences of variable-frequency compressive cyclic stresses. Environmental Earth Sciences, 2024, 83(5): 1-20.
  4. Fei Wang, Dehao Meng, Ke Hu, Xun Du, Rui Pang, Yanlin Zou, W.G. Dang, Benguo He. Thermo-mechanical Coupling Characteristics of Granite under Triaxial Pressures and Ultrahigh Heating Rates. Computers and Geotechnics, 2024, 167, 106098.
  5. Kang Tao, W.G. Dang*, Xian Liao, Xingling Li. Experimental study on the slip evolution of planar fractures subjected to cyclic normal stress. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2023, 10(1): 67.
  6. Kang Tao, W.G. Dang*. Frictional behavior of quartz gouge during slide-hold-slide considering normal stress oscillation. International Journal of Coal Science & Technology, 2023, 10(1): 34.
  7. Z Song, C Wang, Y Zhao, Z Yu, Z Yang, W.G. Dang. Effect of frequency on rock’s mechanical responses under multi-level compressive cyclic loading: an experimental investigation. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2023, 82(6):224.
  8. Kang Tao, Dong Li, Yue Zhou, Feng Wang, Weipeng Li, Xiong Cao, W.G. Dang*. Slide-hold-slide tests of infilled granite fractures affected by normal stress oscillations during the relaxation stage. Rock Dynamics: Progress and Prospect, 2023.
  9. Chunpeng Wang, Dong Li, Yue Zhou, Feng Wang, Weipeng Li, Xiong Cao, W.G. Dang*, Xinfan Chen, Kang Tao. Slip behavior of saw-cut shale fractures under fluid injection and periodical confining pressure. Rock Dynamics: Progress and Prospect, 2023.
  10. W.G. Dang, Yu Liu, Shixiao Li, Xiang Li, Linchong Huang, Jianjun Ma. Direct shear behavior of dredged soil under dynamic normal load conditions. Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2023, 168, 107851.
  11. Zhengyang Song, Zhen Yang, Min Zhang, Martin Herbst, W.G. Dang, Tong Zhang. Numerical characterization of sandstone’s mechanical responses under multi-level compressive differential cyclic loading (DCL): A 3D particle-based numerical investigation. Computers and Geotechnics, 2023, 154: 105109.
  12. W.G. Dang, Chunpeng Wang, Linchong Huang*, Kang Tao, Jianjun Ma, Yu Liang, Xiang Li. A novel three-directional servo control dynamic loading apparatus for geomechanics. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources. 2022, 8 (6), 209.
  13. Kang Tao, W.G. Dang*, Yingchun Li. Frictional properties of infilled planar granite fracture under oscillatory normal stress, International Journal of Mining Science and technology, 2022,
  14. Z Song, Y Wu, H Konietzky, F Amann, Z Yang, W.G. Dang. Mechanical behaviors of anthracite coal subject to low-cycle compressive differential cyclic loading (DCL) after wetting–drying (WD) treatment: an experimental study. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources 2022. 8 (4), 1-29
  15. Z Song, Z Yang, Y Wu, H Konietzky, W.G. Dang*. Experimental insights on fatigue behaviors of sandstone exposed to combining effects of compressive differential cyclic loading (DCL) and freeze-thaw (FT) action. Geomechanics and Geophysics for Geo-Energy and Geo-Resources, 2022. 8 (5), 1-32
  16. Z Song, Z Yang, M Zhang, M Herbst, W.G. Dang, T Zhang. Numerical characterization of sandstone’s mechanical responses under multi-level compressive differential cyclic loading (DCL): A 3D particle-based numerical investigation. Computers and Geotechnics 154, 105109
  17. W.G. Dang*, Heinz Konietzky. The Effect of Normal Load Oscillation Amplitude on the Frictional Behavior of a Rough Basalt Fracture. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2022, 55 (6): 3385-3397.
  18. W.G. Dang, Junpeng Chen, Linchong Huang*, Jianjun Ma, Xiang Li. Frictional behavior of granular materials exposed to dynamic normal load, Engineering Geology, 2021, 14 (3): 746-756.
  19. W.G. Dang, Kang Tao*, Linchong Huang, Xiang Li, Jianjun Ma, Tongtiegang Zhao. A new multi-function servo control dynamic shear apparatus for geomechanics, Measurement, 2022, 110345.
  20. Qingshen Bai, Heinz Konietzky, W.G. Dang. Microscopic Modeling of Frictional Response of Smooth Joint Under Normal Cyclic Loading. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2021, 1-18.
  21. W.G. Dang, Kang Tao*, XinFan Chen. Frictional behavior of planar and rough granite fractures subjected to normal load oscillations of different amplitudes. Journal of Rock Mechanics and Geotechnical Engineering, 2021, 14 (3), 746-756.
  22. W.G. Dang, XinFan Chen, Xueyou Li*, Junpeng Chen, Kang Tao, Qingyue Yang, Zhekai Luo. A methodology to investigate fluid flow in sheared rock fractures exposed to dynamic normal load. Measurement, 2021, 185, 110048.
  23. W.G. Dang*, Heinz Konietzky, Martin Herbst, Thomas Frühwirt. Complex analysis of shear box tests with explicit consideration of interaction between test device and sample, Measurement, 2017, 102: 1-9.
  24. W.G. Dang*, Chen Junpeng, Huang Linchong. Experimental study on the velocity-dependent frictional resistance of a rough rock fracture exposed to normal load vibrations. Acta Geotechnica, 2021, 16: 2189-2202.
  25. Guangzhe Zhang, W.G. Dang*, Martin Herbst, Zhengyang Song. Complex analysis of rock cutting with consideration of rock-tool interaction using distinct element method (DEM). Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, 2020.5:421-432.
  26. W.G. Dang*Heinz Konietzky, Martin Herbst, Thomas Frühwirt. Cyclic frictional responses of planar joints under cyclic normal load conditions: Laboratory tests and numerical simulations. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2020. (DOI: 10.1007/s00603-019-01910-9)
  27. Xiang Li, Baijin Li, Xibing Li, Tubing Yin, Yan Wang, W.G. Dang*. Thermal shock effects on the mechanical behavior of granite exposed to dynamic loading. Archives of Civil and Mechanical Engineering, 2020, 20(3): 1-11.
  28. W.G. Dang, Heinz Konietzky, Xiang Li*. Frictional responses of concrete-to-concrete bedding planes under complex loading conditions. Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, 2019,3: 253-259.
  29. W.G. Dang, Wei Wu*, Heinz Konietzky, Jinyuan Qian. Effect of shear-induced aperture evolution on fluid flow in rock fractures. Computers and Geotechnics, 2019, 114, 103152.
  30. W.G. Dang, Heinz Konietzky, Lifu Chang*. Velocity-frequency-amplitude-dependent frictional resistance of planar joints under dynamic normal load (DNL) conditions. Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2018, 79: 27-34.
  31. W.G. Dang*, Wei Wu. Laboratory investigation of frictional response of planar joints under cyclic normal load conditions. 10th Asian Rock Mechanics Symposium. The ISRM International Symposium for 2018. 29 October to 03 November, 2018, Singapore.
  32. W.G. Dang*Heinz Konietzky, Thomas Frühwirt. Shear behavior of planar rock joints under Dynamic Normal Load (DNL) conditions. Rock Dynamics and Applications 3: Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Rock Dynamics and Applications (RocDyn-3), June 26-27, 2018, Trondheim, Norway.
  33. J Shang, Y Yokota*, Z Zhao, W.G. Dang. DEM simulation of mortar-bolt interface behaviour subjected to shearing. Construction & Building Materials, 2018, 185.
  34. W.G. Dang*, Thomas Frühwirt, Heinz Konietzky. Behaviour of joints under horizontal cyclic shear loading. Geomechanics and Engineering, An International Journal, 2017,5:809-823.
  35. W.G. Dang*Heinz Konietzky, Thomas Frühwirt, Direct Shear Behavior of Planar Joints Under Cyclic Normal Load Conditions: Effect of Different Cyclic Normal Force Amplitudes. Rock Mechanics and Rock Engineering, 2017, 50:3101-3107.
  36. W.G. Dang*, Heinz Konietzky , Thomas Frühwirt, Rotation and stress changes on a plane joint during direct shear tests. International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science, 2016,129-135.
  37. W.G. Dang*, Heinz Konietzky, Thomas FrühwirtShear behaviour of a plane joint under dynamic normal load (DNL) conditions. Engineering Geology, 2016,133-141.
  38. Zhixiang Liu, W.G. Dang*. Rock quality classification and stability evaluation of undersea deposit based on M-IRMR, Tunneling and Underground Space Technology, 2014, 40(2): 95-101.
  39. W.G. Dang, Z Liu, X He, Q Liu. Mixture ratio of phosphogypsum material in backfilling, Transactions of the Institution of Mining & Metallurgy, 2013, 122(1): 1-7.
  40. Zhixiang Liu, W.G. Dang*, Qingling Liu, Guanghui Chen, Kang Peng. Optimization of clay material mixture ratio and filing process in gypsum mine goafInternational Journal of Mining Science and technology, 2013, 23(3):337-342.
  41. Zhixiang Liu, W.G. Dang*, Xianqun He, Diyuan Li. Cancelling ore pillars in large-scale coastal gold deposit: A case study in Sanshandao Gold Mine, ChinaTransactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China, 2013, 23(10):3046-3056.
  42. Zhixiang Liu, W.G. Dang*, Xianqun He. Undersea safety mining of the large gold deposit in Xinli District of Sanshandao Gold MineInternational Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Materials, 2012, 19(7): 574-583.
  43. Guolin Xiu, W.G. Dang*, Zhixiang Liu. Microstructure test and macro size effect on the stability of cemented tailings backfillInternational Journal of Digital Content Technology and its Applications, 2012, 6(14): 387-397.



  1. 项目名称:动态应力条件下节理剪切特性研究,项目来源:深部岩土力学与地下工程国家重点实验室开放基金,起止时间:2017.01-2018.12
  2. 项目名称:Coupled shear-flow test of liquid containing joints under complex normal load conditions,项目来源:水资源与水电工程科学国家重点实验室开放基金,起止时间:2018.01-2019.12
  3. 项目名称Supervision of tailings by an integrated novel approach to combine ground-based and space-borne sensor data. 项目来源:欧盟科研基金,起止时间:2017.07-2020.07
  4. 项目名称:yl23455永利官网“百人计划”启动经费,起止时间:2020.01-2021.12
  5. 项目名称:变法相力作用下岩石节理面剪切渗流机理研究,项目来源:国家自然科学基金青年基金,起止时间:2020.01-2022.12
  6. 项目名称:交变荷载作用下注水诱发干热岩节理面剪切滑移机理研究,项目来源:中央高校青年教师重点培育项目,起止时间:2019.01-2020.12
  7. 项目名称:变频渗流诱发岩石节理面剪切滑移机制研究,项目来源:广东省自然科学基金面上项目,起止时间:2020.01-2022.12
  8. 项目名称:海底基岩采矿断层面滑移渗流机理研究,项目来源:煤炭资源与安全开采国家重点实验室开放研究基金开放基金,起止时间:2020.01-2021.12
  9. 项目名称:大断面隧道穿越富水破碎带安全施工关键技术研究,项目来源:珠海市规划设计研究院, 起止时间:2021.04-2022.10
  10. 项目名称:洪湾片区淤泥水泥土室内试验及现场搅拌桩试桩研究—淤泥水泥土室内试验,项目来源:珠海市规划设计研究院, 起止时间:2021.04-2021.12
  11. 项目名称:动力扰动下岩石断裂面渗流滑移特性研究,项目来源:高速铁路建造技术国家工程研究中心, 起止时间:2022.01-2024.12
  12. 项目名称:滨海混合地层力学特性变化规律实验研究,项目来源:广州市市政集团有限公司,起止时间:2022.04-2022.12
  13. 项目名称:剪切渗流动态原位加载试验系统研制,项目来源:中央高校颠覆性技术培育项目,起止时间:2022.01-2023.12
  14. 项目名称:动力扰动下海床基岩断裂面滑移渗流机理研究,项目来源:广东省自然科学基金-海上风电联合项目,起止时间:2023.01-2025.12
  15. 项目名称:海底岩石节理面动态剪切-渗流规律研究, 项目来源:水利工程仿真与安全国家重点实验室, 起止时间: 2023-05 - 2026-05
  16. 项目名称:水下超硬礁石非爆破岩技术研究, 项目来源:中交广州航道局有限公司, 起止时间: 2024-03 - 2024-11
  17. 项目名称:复杂条件下穿越既有地铁线路关键技术研究, 项目来源:广州地铁设计研究院股份有限公司, 起止时间: 2023-12 - 2024-11
  18. 项目名称:海域******研发, 项目来源:**研究重点发展项目, 起止时间: 2024-1 - 2024-12
  19. 项目名称:多场耦合作用下裂隙岩体裂纹扩展与破坏机理研究, 项目来源:煤炭智能开采与岩层控制全国重点实验室, 起止时间: 2024-1 - 2026-12
  20. 项目名称:Mechanisms of induced seismicity in carbon dioxide geological storage, 项目来源:深地工程智能建造与健康运维全国重点实验室起止时间: 2024-7 - 2026-6
  21. 项目名称:动力扰动-多场耦合作用下岩石断裂面剪切渗流机理研究, 项目来源:国家自然科学基金面上项目起止时间: 2025.01- 2028.12
  22. 项目名称:地热开采诱发断层滑移与灾害防控,项目来源:广东省自然科学基金杰出青年基金,起止时间:2025.01-2028.12




2.《Measurement: Sensors》编委

3.《International Journal of Mining Science & Technology》青年编委

4.《International Journal of Coal Science and Technology》学术编辑Academic Editor

5.《Journal of Central South University》青年编委

6.《Rock Mechanics Bulletin》青年编委

7.中国岩石力学与工程学会 副秘书长








15.《International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Science》、《Tunneling and Underground Space Technology》、《International Journal of Geomechanics》、《Engineering Fracture Mechanics》、《Measurement》、《Construction Building Material》、《Computers and Geotechnics》等50多个国际SCI刊物的特约审稿人












黄林冲主编,党文刚等 参编《工程制图》,2022年8月出版,yl23455永利官网出版社



1.yl23455永利官网第九届教师教学大赛工科组 一等奖

2.yl23455永利官网第二届教学比赛 一等奖

3.yl23455永利官网第十届教学成果 一等奖

4.第六届广东省青年教师教学竞赛工科组 三等奖

5.第三届广东省教学创新大赛 三等奖(团体)


7.yl23455永利官网第十一届教学成果 特等奖



1.刘煜 香港理工大学 博士,2024届本科,本科年级第1名,yl23455永利官网2024年度人物,港府奖学金获得者,国家奖学金2次,主持国家级大创2项

2.廖纤 即将前往 香港理工大学 攻读博士,2025届本科, 本科年级第1名,国家奖学金3次,发表论文2篇,专利4项

3.陶康 德国弗莱贝格工业大学博士, 2023届硕士,研究生国家奖学金1次, CSC奖学金,yl23455永利官网 优秀毕业生

4.温宪初,出国读研 美国东北大学,2022届本科

5.叶皆显, 公务员(广东省阳江市),2022届本科 授权发明专利3项、授权实用新型专利2项、yl23455永利官网优秀学生、二等奖学金




招聘信息 Recruitment

课题组招聘2-3名博士后开展合作研究,主要研究方向:地热开采诱发地震;岩土材料动态剪切,课题组具有齐全的试验设备(岩石伺服压力机,岩石三轴试验仪,大型动态剪切仪,vindum高压渗流泵,3维扫描仪,3D打印机等)和软件资源。面向年龄在35岁以下(含),获得博士学位不超过3年,具备较高的学术水平和较强的科研能力的海内外优秀博士。yl23455永利官网博士后按照学校教职员工管理,聘期一般为2~3年。提供在同类院校中有竞争力的待遇, 同时提供五险一金/人才公寓/餐补/医疗/子女教育等福利,具体信息请查阅yl23455永利官网人才发展办公室相关通知。


I am looking for highly-motivated students/scholars to join my research group at SYSU. Potential opportunities include Post-Graduate Student (Master/Doctoral) and Post-Doctoral Scholar. Competitive salary and benefits will be provided.

Students/scholars in the area of Civil Engineering, Mining Engineering, Environmental Engineering, Engineering Mechanics, and other related fields are welcome. For gifted candidates, no prior background is necessary. Potential Master/Doctoral students have to apply for the Chinese Government ScholarshipIf you are interested, please e-mail me (dangwg@mail.sysu.edu.cn) with your CV, transcripts, and preferably a brief personal statement (no more than one page).